Innovative Instrumentation in CR Research
- Development of high energy radiation detectors operating in space;
- Development of innovative instrumentation for High Energy Physics and Applied Physics;
- Development of low-noise, low-power, large dynamic range electronics;
R&D projects funded by INFN:
- ADA_5D - Avalanche Diodes Array (5D sensors) ONGOING
- ASAP - Array of Silicon Avalanche Pixels
- APiX2 - Position sensitive CMOS Avalanche Pixels
- CALOCUBE - cosmic-ray 3D calorimeter
- SPIDER2 - SiPM based FDIRC detector
- SPIDER - custom ASIC and FE for SiPM r/o
- MATRIX - silicon pixel detector & FE electronics
- CREAM - multi-TeV cosmic-ray calorimeter
PRIN research projects funded by INFN - MUR - UNISI
- (2000-2002) - front-end ASIC with very large dynamic range
- (2002-2004) - development of CR silicon pixel arrays
- (2005-2007) - SiPM based acrylic Cherenkov detector